Chandigarh/ Ludhiana: Jagtar Singh Johal alias Jaggi is a Scottish citizen who was arrested by Punjab police on November 4, 2017 from Jalandhar. Punjab police have maintained that he was linked to various cases in Punjab. Though the police is yet to file chargesheet against him in the courts of law, the Indian media tended to conclude Jagtar Singh Jaggi’s media trial in one day and aired some video clips of Jagtar Singh Jaggi, apparently recorded during his police custody. Indian media maintained that these were video clips of Jagtar Singh Jaggi’s “confession”. Indian media’s reporting was highly questionable. To seek clarity on this issue Sikh Siyasat editor Parmjeet Singh talked Jagtar Singh Jaggi’s lawyer Advocate Jaspal Singh Manjhpur on this issue in detail. This is full video recording of the interview.
Exclusive Interview with Jagtar Singh Jaggi’s Lawyer about Video Clips aired by Indian Media
December 11, 2017