SikhSiyasat.Com was launched in 2006 with a view to provide first hand information regarding various events related to Punjab and Sikhs.
Videos of various political or press conferences by Panthic bodies and Sikh organizations were shared by SikhSiyasat.Com during a period of three years 2006-2009.
In 2007 videos by SikhSiyasat.Com remained issues of discussion and reference among internet users. The site was highlighted in days when it shared the speech of Bhai Daljit Singh (Bittu) at Fatehgarh Channa. On the bases of this speech Punjab Police of Barnala Distt. had registered a charge of Sedition against Bhai Daljit Singh. “Mitti Meri Maa” – A Punjabi play, which was termed as “anti-nation cd” by the police, hit its’ download counter to thousands in days when it was provided for download by SikhSiyasat.Com.
Recently, Sikh Siyasat Multimedia produced 10 episodes of a fortnightly talk-show titled Qaumi Masle.
Please Note: Due to some maintenance work many videos are currently not available at SikhSiyasat.Com, but the viewers may find these videos at our [button link=”” size=”small” color=”blue” window=”yes”]YouTube Channel[/button]