Title: Qaumi Masle (Episode 16)
Title: Gadhar was a Sikh Movement
Date of Release: August 11, 2013
Host/Presenter: Gurpartap Singh
Participant: Rajwinder Singh Rahi
Produced by: SikhSiyasat.Com
Duration: 46 Minutes and 30 Seconds
The Gahdar Movement of 1914-15 was a historic movement by Sikh migrants, who returned to Punjab/India from America/Canada with a view to overthrow the colonial British rule.
Though in terms of armed struggle the movement a failure but this movement had many unique features that made it a historic and memorable movement.
SikhSiyasat.Com has planned three episodes on the Gadhar Movement, as it was felt that this topic needs to addressed thoroughly.
In this Episode (2) Rajwinder Singh Rahi puts forth historic evidences as well as his arguments while clarifying that the Gadhar Lehar (1914-15) was a Sikh Movement.